Avenida do Forte no 3, Edifício Parque Suécia III | 2790-073 Carnaxide
https://www.klepierre.comNúmero telefone
+351 214 250 900Perfil da empresa:
A Klépierre aposta em ações consistentes que permitem valorizar os seus centros comerciais, tornando-se hoje líder pan-europeia no setor. Toda a base de trabalho baseia-se na sua assinatura, Shop.Meet.Connect.®.
SHOP. A principal missão é potenciar a oferta comercial, através da capacidade de repensar na estrutura e oferta comercial de cada centro.
MEET. Os centros comerciais são fundamentais para a criação de laços; lugares de vida, de encontro, de descoberta e de experiência para toda a comunidade.
CONNECT. A ligação é, em primeiro lugar, física, mas obviamente também digital, a união destes dois mundos potencia uma experiência única.
Jean-Marc Jestin
Chairman of the Executive Board
Prior to his appointment as Chairman of the Executive Board, Jean-Marc Jestin served as Chief Operating Officer and Member of the Klépierre Executive Board since October 18, 2012. Previously, he held a number of positions in real estate companies. He was notably Chief Financial Officer and then Chief Operating Officer of the pan-European platform Simon Ivanhoe from 1999 to 2007. He then joined Unibail Rodamco’s International team, acting as Deputy Chief Investment Officer in charge of acquisitions, sales and M&A transactions. Jean-Marc Jestin started his career in 1991 at Arthur Andersen in an Audit function, where he contributed to the development of the Real Estate Practice.
Jean-Marc Jestin, age 48, is a graduate of the HEC Paris business school.
Jean-Marc Jestin
Chairman of the Executive Board
Jean-Michel Gault
Deputy CEO – Member of the Executive Board
Jean-Michel Gault has served as Deputy CEO of Klépierre since January 1st, 2009. He has been a Member of the Executive Board since June 1st, 2005. Jean-Michel Gault joined Klépierre in 1998 as Chief Financial Officer, after a 10 year career in the Paribas Group. In 2009, his role was expanded to include the Office Property Division. He notably supervised Klépierre merger with Compagnie Foncière for which he was acting as Chief Financial Officer within the real estate investment division of Paribas. Previously, he was Head of Financial Services and then appointed Chief Financial Officer at Cogedim, a Paribas subsidiary at that time. Jean-Michel Gault began his career as a financial controller with GTM International (Vinci group).
Jean-Michel Gault, age 56, is a graduate of the École Supérieure de Commerce de Bordeaux.
Jean-Michel Gault
Deputy CEO – Member of the Executive Board
Aqua Portimão
O Aqua Portimão é o maior centro comercial do Barlavento Algarvio. A sua arquitetura distinta e o seu novo Food Hall permitem aos seus Clientes desfrutar de uma experiência gastronómica e de lazer única e de uma oferta comercial que alia o comércio local às principais marcas internacionais.

Parque Nascente
O Parque Nascente é uma referência no universo comercial do Grande Porto. Com mais de 20 anos de experiência e uma oferta comercial diferenciadora nas áreas da Moda, Restauração e Lazer, é o Centro Comercial dominante na sua área de influência.

Espaço Guimarães
O Espaço Guimarães é um centro comercial moderno e vanguardista que oferece aos seus clientes uma oferta de qualidade e um mix comercial único que inclui moda, restauração, ginásios e uma unidade hospitalar.