Merlin Properties
Avenida D. João II, n.º 45, 5º C | 1990-084 Lisboa
Websiteúmero telefone
+351 210485344Perfil da empresa:
A MERLIN Properties SOCIMI, S.A., é a empresa imobiliária cotada líder na Península Ibérica, cotada na Bolsa de Valores Espanhola (IBEX-35) e na Bolsa de Valores Portuguesa, cuja principal actividade é a aquisição e gestão de activos imobiliários comerciais na Península Ibérica. A empresa centra-se no mercado de escritórios, logística, retalho e centros de dados. O valor diferencial da MERLIN Properties é a diversificação e gestão de activos imobiliários com vocação de serviço.
Ismael Clemente
Vice Chairman & CEO
Mr. Clemente has over 20 years’ experience as a real estate professional. He has worked at Garrigues, Bankers Trust REIB, DB Real Estate and RREEF, as Managing Director. Mr Clemente has participated in transactions with an aggregate volume of approximately €5.0 billion across all property sectors. These include the sale and leaseback of the Tree Portfolio, the largest real estate transaction executed in Europe in 2009.
During his tenure at RREEF, he was responsible for a team managing an asset portfolio of more than €3.0 billion, representing the full range of global funds advised by RREEF. This team also raised seven investment vehicles, of which two are still active, representing approximately €500 million of equity on behalf of Spanish private clients and family offices.
Mr. Clemente holds superior degrees in Law and in Economics & Business Administration, with a specialisation in Finance, from ICADE (E-3), is a lecturer of the MRE programme at IE Business School and a member of the Spanish Council of the Urban Land Institute (ULI).
Ismael Clemente
Vice Chairman & CEO
Miguel Ollero
Corporate Director
Mr. Ollero has over 13 years’ experience as a real estate professional. He has worked at Arthur Andersen, FCC Construcción, Deutsche Bank M&A and RREEF, as Managing Director. During his tenure at RREEF, he led the execution of real estate transactions with an aggregate value of approximately €4.0 billion, ranging from Core to Opportunistic, as well as the subsequent asset management of the resulting portfolios. He also played a key role in the structuring and equity raising of five investment vehicles for the Iberian peninsula and Morocco, in cooperation with the Private Wealth Management Division of Deutsche Bank.
Mr. Ollero holds superior degrees in Law and in Economics & Business Administration, with a specialisation in Finance, from ICADE (E-3).
Miguel Ollero
Corporate Director
Liberdade 195
Avenida Liberdade 195
O edifício Liberdade 195 é um dos mais emblemáticos edifícios lisboetas, alvo de uma reabilitação proximamente que o tornará na nova referência dos escritórios na cidade, em sustentabilidade e eficiência.
Em Projeto

Torre A - Torres de Lisboa
R. Tomás da Fonseca 5, 1600-209 Lisboa
O edifício pertence a um complexo que se pretende reposicionar, compreendendo: (i) a renovação dos seus espaços comuns interiores e (ii) renovação da fachada do edifício através da aplicação de painéis solares fotovoltaicos.
Em construção

Plataforma Logistica Lisboa Norte (PLLN)
Castanheira do Ribatejo
Durante os próximos 3 anos, serão construídos na PLLN, na melhor área logística de Lisboa, mais de 161.000m2 de logística, dos quais cerca de 130.000m2 estão já em construção.
Em construção