Rua Joaquim António de Aguiar, 66-6º - 1070-153 Lisboa
https://www.refundosexplorer.comNúmero telefone
+351213021763Ano Fundação:
Perfil da empresa:
A Refundos Explorer resulta da fusão, em Setembro de 2022, da área de Real Estate da Explorer Investments e da REFUNDOS SGOIC. Somos uma entidade independente de qualquer grupo financeiro, de investimento ou de promoção imobiliária. Temos vasta experiência na criação de valor em Co-investimento e Asset Management com parceiros internacionais como Partners Group e Carlyle. Trabalhamos em parceria com investidores e Promotores Imobiliários, nacionais e internacionais, na criação e gestão de veículos regulados pela CMVM, nomeadamente Fundos e SICAFIs.
Pedro Seabra
Presidente do Conselho de Administração
Board Member and major shareholder of Refundos Explorer. He joined Explorer Investments in 2012 as responsible for the Discovery Fund. Since 2017 he is responsible for the real estate area, namely the real estate fund EREF I (Explorer Investments Real Estate Fund) and Penha Longa.
Joined CBRE in Madrid in 1987 and founded CBRE in Portugal in 1988. Since then and until 2012 headed CBRE operation in Portugal. During that time supervised more than €1.5bn of Commercial Real Estate Transactions, headed property Funds such as Selecta and Fundo Primeiro Imobiliário (today Square Asset Management) and was board member of Neoturis.
Was professor in the University (ESAI and on the Masters degree in real estate finance of ISCTE), Chairman of ACAI, the Association of Property Consultant and Valuers, and board member of RICS in Portugal and represented RICS as responsible for the acceptance of the Master degree students in ISEG as RICS.
He has a degree in Systems Engineering from Instituto Superior de Matemáticas Aplicadas and a master in Finance and Company Financial Management from ISCTE-INDEG. He is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and appraiser certified by the CMVM.
Pedro Seabra
Presidente do Conselho de Administração
Frederico Arruda
Partner of Refundos Explorer and CEO of Refundos. He joined Refundos in 2007 as Director and Member of Executive Committee responsible for the development of the Real Estate fund Maxirent.
Joined the Real Estate department of the Queiroz Pereira Family Group where Refundos was integrated, in 2005 until 2022, as Member of Executive Committee, and later as an advisor and board member, developing and advising a Real Estate portfolio over 350m. Previously he was a Construction Engineer at Teixeira Duarte (1998-99) and Structural Engineering Projects Leader at STA (1999-2005).
He is a professor in the University ISCTE, for Executive Education in Real Estate Investment Vehicles and Portfolio Management, Executive Board Member of APFIPP, that represents 90%+ of the national funds, responsible for Real Estate industry relations with other institutions and the government, and vice-chair of Portugal National Council. Member of ULI – Urban Land Institute.
He has a degree in Civil Engineering from Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), a Real Estate Appraisal Post Graduation from ESAI (School of Real Estate Activity) and an Executive MBA from AESE/IESE Business School.
Frederico Arruda
Luís Carita
Partner at Refundos Explorer and Advisor to the Administration of Refundos. Joined Refundos Explorer in 2023.
He was part of the IPG/Colliers Group between 1992 and 1997, responsible for Market Studies and Valuations. In 1997, he chaired Finimus, S.G.F.I.I., S.A., Grupo Finibanco, with €150m in AuM. In 1999, within the Banif Group, he created several real estate fund structures where he reached €1,500 m in AuM, in several countries: Portugal, Central Europe, Brazil and Florida/USA. He was also a director of the Pension Fund and Securities and Alternative Fund Management Companies. Subsequently, in 2014, at Silvip, SGOIC, S.A., he was co-responsible for the strategic change and raising of several mandates, reaching 10 funds/SIC and €850 m of AuM.
He participated as a speaker in several conferences dedicated to real estate. He has published several works and articles mainly dedicated to the topic of real estate investment.
Graduated in Business Management, from ISCTE-INDEG, he has postgraduate degrees in Advanced Banking Management, from the Banking Training Institute and in Real Estate Investment, from the Euromoney Institute, London. Completed the Senior Management Program at AESE/IESE Business School, in 2019.
Luís Carita
Elizabeth Rothfield
President of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and Board of Directors of several portfolio companies of the Private Equity funds.
Previously she was a partner at Midas Investimentos, being a member of the Board of Directors between 1994 and 2001, where she led the sales team and oversaw the research team. In 2002 she founded and led Explorer Advisors, a company specialized in financial communications. She began her professional career in Benito y Monjardín in Madrid. She then worked in Schroders in London where she led the team responsible for the Spanish market.
She has an MA (Hons) in European history and literature from Edinburgh University, Scotland (1987).
Elizabeth Rothfield
Francisco Seabra
Founding Partner and Administrator (January 1996 to date) of the Law Firm, SGFC – Seabra, Cunha, Marta & Associados, SP, RL.
University Lecturer at UAL - Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and UL - Universidade Lusíada between 1986 and 1994 (Real Law, Succession Law and Civil Procedural Law).
Within the scope of professional relations with clients, he holds the position of Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting in several companies.
President of the Disciplinary Council of the Portuguese Rugby Federation between 1988 and 1995.
Lawyer registered with the Bar Association since 1988, with a predominant professional activity in the field of Commercial and Company Law, Real Estate Law and Succession Law.
Degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, in 1986.
Francisco Seabra
Penha Longa-Aparthotel
Quinta da Penha Longa-Sintra
Um Aparthotel de 5 estrelas com 150 quartos rodeado pela natureza será desenvolvido dentro da Reserva Natural de Sintra.
Em Projeto

Penha Longa Resort
Quinta da Penha Longa - Sintra
Penha Longa, 230 hectares de natureza exuberante, Hotel de 5 Estrelas com 204 quartos, SPA, centro de conferências, igreja, e 2 campos de Golf, 7 restaurantes, dos quais 2 com estrela Michelin, operado por Ritz Carlton. Projetos em curso de um aldeamento com 36 casas, e um Aparthotel com 150 quartos e apartamentos.

Edifício Cuatrecasas
Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo 6 - Lisboa
O edifício Cuatrecasas teve um projecto de renovação que incluiu a modernização da fachada realçando a sua atractividade. Foi criada uma nova área de escritórios no 12º piso, que beneficia de um magnífico terraço com uma vista única sobre o Rio Tejo.

Penha Longa-Village E
Quinta da Penha Longa-Sintra
Penha Longa inclui um projecto para o desenvolvimento do último aldeamento do Resort - o Village E - que contará com 36 moradias de luxo e situar-se-á num lugar único dentro da Reserva Natural de Sintra.
Em Projeto