APPII represents property developers and investors and is an influential voice in the construction and property sector, defending more sustainable cities and an economic climate that is friendly to investment and progress in our society!

The best networking is with APPII!
A major APPII Annual Congress marks the sector's annual agenda!
Take part in exclusive APPII events such as Executive Breakfasts and Site Visits. We organise the famous Lunches in partnership with Vida Imobiliária and support all the major events in the sector with advantages for our members!

APPII Academy
Training as the essence of our action!
We see training as a top priority and an essential part of our support for our members. With a wide network of partners, we provide training in the most varied areas of interest to our members
Sustainability at the centre of property developers' actions!
APPII and its members are fully committed to the sustainable development and decarbonisation of our cities. In close collaboration with ADENE and the most respected consultants, we actively work together with our members to build the cities of tomorrow. Greener and more sustainable!

Research & Statistics
The best information for our Members
Numa estreita colaboração com a Confidencial Imobiliário e com prestigiadas Consultoras e Universidades, a APPII assegura a melhor informação de mercado para apoio à decisão!